Come and enjoy top athletics at the King Baudouin Stadium on 25 & 26 May 2024!
Shout out to our top athletes to get them at the Olympics in Paris or Europeans in Rome!


Normal tickets can be purchased at 10 euro per day, combi tickets for both days at 15 euro.


IFAM Outdoor will be held in Brussels this year!

How it all started..

In 2010, the IFAM started as an ordinary "open" meeting. The meeting immediately became a major hit with many international Championship minima and some European Lead performances. IFAM has a clear vision to help athletes reach minima towards international championships.

Given this success and the completely unique approach for and by athletes, the meeting rose the following year to a B meeting at the Flemish Athletics League, a theme meeting with a focus on a few disciplines. But that level was also quickly surpassed, so that in 2012 the IFAM grew into a "Flanders Cup" meeting. This is the circuit of the better Flemish meetings. After a few years, IFAM also quickly turned out to be the best student in the class. And internationally, too, the level continued to rise. For example, IFAM has been a value in the top 100 for years, normally around the 50th place in the world!

Click this LINK to see the whole list: click here!

With the upgrade to World Athletics Continental Tour Challenger Meeting in 2023, the international allure of the meeting also increases.


2024 will be a special year. Not only because we moved to Word Athletics BRONZE meeting  where we will belong to level C events at World Athletics.
This is very important for the international athletes, who strive for a high ranking in the world rankings. The extra placing scores on IFAM are:

1st - 60p, 2nd - 50p, 3rd - 45p, 4th - 40p, 5th - 35p, 6th - 30p, 7th - 27p, 8th - 25p

If you want to know more about the World Rankings: click here

Furthermore we moved to Brussels and the meeting will be held on two days! This will make it possible for some athletes to combine events on the two days and we can welcome even more athletes then in the past!